Morning Provision
Breakfast Club
‘Breakfast Club’ is available for any children who would like to attend school from 8am and is free to attend.
Places are limited and must be applied for using the ‘Schools In’ application form below. Your child will then be placed on the waiting list and you will be informed of a start date when a place becomes available. For further information, please read our ‘Schools In’ policy below or contact the school office.
‘Breakfast club is available from 8am for any children who would like to attend, it is free however places are limited and must be booked via the Arbor App in advance.
After School Provision
‘At St Thomas More we run a number of after school clubs which run until 4:15. Clubs cost £1 a week and must be paid for via ParentPay once your child has been given a slot. After school clubs change on a half termly basis.