Mini Vinnies – “Turning Concern into Action”

The Mini Vinnies is the junior branch of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVP). The SVP is an organisation that strives to spread justice in our world and, by enabling schools to become involved, encourages children from a young age to make a difference to the world also

Who was St. Vincent de Paul?

Vincent was born poor and in the beginning he wanted to be rich. This was why he first became a priest!

Later he changed his mind and decided to spend his life helping the sick and mentally-ill, orphans and old people, beggars and the starving, prisoners and galley slaves.

Vincent’s life is a great reminder for us all to find ways to help those around us.

You can explore the Mini Vinnies website by clicking on this link

What do Mini Vinnies do in St. Thomas More?

Our Mini Vinnies group members reach out to help others – this may be at a school, local, national or global level – that enables us as a school community to turn our concern into action. All of the children at St Thomas More’s understand the importance of putting our faith into action and making a positive difference to the world.

What we have planned for the academic year.

  • Hold a community pre owned clothing event- the children have thought about helping to save the planet by recycling old clothing and they have linked this in with helping the community due to the cost of living. Any monies raised will go to the local charity of Zoe’s place for sick children.
  • A community plant and grow using our school allotment, the produce will be sold to our community and funds raised will be given to a charity.
  • Watch this space for any other events we plan in the near future.

How often do we meet in Mini Vinnies?

We meet weekly (Thursdays) to review our actions and plan our next steps based upon what is needed and how we can help our local, national and global community.

How can you become a Mini Vinnie?

Children are encouraged to let their teacher know if they are interested in becoming part of our Mini Vinnies team. New members are welcomed in the Autumn term.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Mini Vinnies organised a cake sale to raise funds for Macmillan cancer support. We are delighted to say that we raised an incredible £262 to help support the important work of this charity.

Zoe’s Place

The president and vice president of the Mini Vinnies group delivered the money we raised to Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice. We raised a whopping £120 for the charity through selling used clothing items at a low cost to support families in need.

Carols around the Crib

Our Mini Vinnies and prayers leaders have hosted Carols to the residents of Tollesby Care home in Marton. Our aim is to spread some joy at Christmas time!