Prayer and Liturgy

Prayer and Liturgy is an integral part of our school that enables us to celebrate God’s presence in our lives and develop a meaningful relationship with him. We believe that Prayer helps us all to build our relationship with Jesus and come to know him better.

Prayer is recognised as an essential aspect of any school life, whether this be gathering whole-school, in-class or staff or, indeed, alone.

It is a ‘Moment with God’.

Through it, we give glory, honour, praise and thanks to God. It is our loving response, in word and action, to God’s invitation to enter into a relationship made possible through the work of Jesus Christ and the witness of the Holy Spirit.

Example prayer forms include:

  • The Rosary
  • Lectio Divina
  • Guided Meditation
  • Liturgical Dance
  • Prayer Journaling



We celebrate whole school Mass in school at key points throughout the year such as New School Year Welcome Mass, Harvest Mass, Christmas Mass, Lent and Easter, the end of the school year and different Feasts and Holy Days.

One class a week from Year 1 to Year 6 attends mass on a Thursday morning at St. Thomas More’s church providing an opportunity to celebrate The Eucharist with the parish family.


Celebration of the Word

We join together as a whole school and as key stages to help us understand the teachings of Jesus through the Gospels, and how we can live these out as Christians and friends of Jesus. As a school community, we deepen our understanding of the seasons of the Church’s year by learning about liturgical colours, feast days and the Liturgy of the Word of Mass.


Weekly Provision

Date and Time Types or Worship Theme


Whole School

Rec to Year 6

Based on the Sunday Gospel – mission given for the week


Class worship Based around the weekly hymn/linked to topic or liturgical calendar


Key Stage Worship Revisit the Sunday Gospel & Monday Mission


Class worship linked to topic/liturgical calendar


Whole School celebration liturgy Celebrating our God given gifts & talents.  Reviewing our hymn of the week & Monday mission.