Our school uniform can be purchased direct from Lollipops, Norfolk Place, Berwick Hills – Telephone 225827 or 07966 524156.
This will mean that:
- Uniforms can be purchased direct from Lollipops shop.
- Orders can be placed with Lollipops over the phone with a debit card
- Orders can also be placed through the school office on a weekly basis
- Orders will not be placed unless payment for the uniform has been made in advance
- Lollipops will deliver all orders into school on a Friday of the following week
- The only stock that can be purchased direct from school will be book bags and PE bags.
St Thomas More Primary School uniform consists of:
- Grey trousers (long or short)
- White shirt
- Red tie
- Grey sweatshirt with logo
- Black shoes
- Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers or red checked skirt/pinafore (red checked dress in summer)
- White shirt
- Red tie
- Grey cardigan or sweatshirt with logo,
- Black shoes with a low heel
PE Kit
- Plain white T-shirt
- Black shorts
- Black plimsolls
- Children going to the swimming baths will need a swimsuit and towel. Tracksuits and trainers can be worn for outdoor games in cold weather.
Homework bags are also an important requirement and these are stocked in school.
We kindly request that all items of clothing and equipment belonging to your child is clearly labelled with their name, so that if property becomes lost it is easy to find.
Jewellery does not form part of our school uniform and is not permitted to be worn in school, this includes any type of earrings, necklaces or bracelets. On the grounds of Health and Safety, any child found to be wearing jewellery will be asked to remove it and take it to the main office, where it will remain until the end of the school day.