Our school Mission Statement, “Live as God calls you,” is rooted in the teachings of Christ. We believe that just as Christ led by example, so we are called to do the same. As one family, united as children of God, we follow in the footsteps of Christ and aim to live out the Christian values portrayed in the gospels.
The Gospel values of Love, Justice, Peace, Respect, Compassion and Forgiveness reflect our calling to live as God calls us. St Thomas More Primary School is a community that nurtures and supports every child; that values everyone’s unique worth and contribution; that empowers every member to achieve their fullest potential; that opens up a world of opportunities.
‘We follow our rainbow values of respect, resilience, compassion, honesty, responsibility, justice and self belief so that we can feel safe and happy at school.
We value our children as individuals with their own unique gifts, skills and needs and we recognise the role we have to play in developing them so they are able to achieve their full potential and make a positive contribution to society. We also recognise we cannot do this alone and as a child’s first teachers, parents have a critical role to play and we need to work in partnership with them, if we are to fulfil our mission.
We aim to:
- Provide a safe, secure, loving and supportive environment where all individuals are valued and cared for, and have an important role to play in making our school the very best it can be.
- Enrich and develop the children’s understanding of the Catholic faith so they are able to live it.
- Provide an environment that fosters close partnership with parents/guardians, the parish and wider community.
- Meet the spiritual, physical, social, moral, cultural and academic needs of all pupils to enable them to fulfil their potential.
- Lead by example as St. Thomas More did and develop respect, kindness, tolerance, responsibility and care for others and ourselves.
- Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of every child so they develop the skills to become independent lifelong learners.
- Provide a curriculum that encompasses the distinctive nature of Catholic Education and meeting National Curriculum requirements.
- Ensure all involved within the life of our school share and understand our mission statement so that it can be promoted and lived out daily.