St Thomas More Catholic Primary Maths Curriculum
At St Thomas More, skills are embedded within maths lessons so that they are developed consistently over time. We are committed to ensuring that children are able to recognise the importance of maths in the wider world and that they are able to apply their mathematical skills and knowledge confidently in their lives in a range of different contexts. We want all children to enjoy mathematics and to experience success in the subject, with the ability to reason mathematically.
We aim to:
- To build upon children’s knowledge and understanding and become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics.
- Develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly.
- Develop resilience that enables all children to reason and problem solve with increased confidence by applying mathematics to a variety of increasing complex problems.
To ensure full topic coverage, the school uses White Rose. This is a whole school primary maths curriculum, that creates continuity and progression in the teaching of mathematics.
Daily maths lessons include fluency, reasoning and problem solving; with the use of concrete manipulatives and pictorial representations to support conceptual understanding and to make links across topics.
Children are individually assessed for rapid recall of number bonds and times tables. They complete end of unit assessments on each topic to ensure progress is being made through their maths journey. The children are assessed on a termly basis using White Rose Arithmetic and Reasoning tests.
The impact of our maths curriculum will be that all children will make progress from their individual starting point with most children reaching end of year expectations.
Children will be fluent in the fundamentals of maths, are able to reason with increased confidence and accuracy and independently apply their knowledge to a range of increasingly complex problems.
Children will be ready to move onto the next stage of their learning with a good understanding of mathematical skills and knowledge in order to prepare them for maths application in their future lives and careers.