St Thomas More Primary History Curriculum
The history curriculum of St. Thomas More has been developed to:
- To increase understanding of the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups.
- Develop the ability to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence and consider different arguments.
- Ensure chronological framework through teaching into which pupils can place the people and events they are learning about.
- Be able to identify similarities and differences between the periods they study about and be able to use a range of relevant vocabulary. Statement of IntentAt St Thomas More, we aim to develop the curiosity of pupils so they have an understanding of events, places and people in a variety of times and environments.
Our history curriculum intends to prepare each pupil for the next phase of their education whilst at the same time giving all pupils a broad and balanced view of the history in their local area, Britain and the wider world.
As a result, pupils will develop a well-rounded knowledge of the past and its events, with the intention to improve every pupils’ cultural capital, understanding of the world around them and their own heritage.
Overall, our history curriculum aims to be ambitious and motivating. Ambitious in our coverage of history and thorough teaching of historical skills. Motivating, through engaging activities, trips and visitors that give all pupils an opportunity to question the past.
A regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review and the celebration of good practice will contribute to the ongoing commitment to evolve and further improve our history curriculum.
Early Years Foundation Stage:
- History is implemented through one of the seven areas of learning known as Understanding the World.
- Taught through effective questioning and modelling which encourages them to use the language of past tense to discuss their own history.
- Through the experiences provided, pupils develop a ‘sense of time’, establishing the meaning of new and old in relation to their own lives.
- Encourage pupils to talk about their own family past, how they have changed through time, in particular, recalling how they have grown since being a baby.
- Opportunities to share information about their wider life, discuss past and present events and experiences as well as ask questions about others to find out more.
- Looking at pictures of famous people in history and exploring historical artefacts to provide opportunities for pupils to develop their curiosity.
Key Stage 1 and 2:
- In Key Stage 1, the historical skills will focus on the world around them and their living memory of history before moving to events that go beyond living history. This will ensure a firm foundation for Key Stage 2 History.
- In Key Stage 2, the history curriculum is set out in chronological order to allow children to reference the previous events in time and to refer to prior learning year-on-year and within the year.
The progression of skills is set out in order to build and develop on the following:
- Chronological understanding
- Knowledge and understanding of events, people and changes in the past
- Connection and historical links
- Interpretations of history
- Historical enquiry
- Lessons will develop long term memory by allowing for repetition of learning within the year and year on year
- British Values, Global Goals, SMSC and P4C are threaded through the history curriculum to link history to pupil’s lives.
As a result of our history curriculum, our children will:
- Become increasingly critical and analytical within their thinking. Making informed and balanced judgements based on their knowledge of the past.
- Become increasingly aware of how historical events have shaped the world that they currently live in.
- Have a further understanding of history in their local area.
- Develop enquiry skills to pursue their own interests within a topic and further questioning.
- Have encountered or participated in high-quality visits/visitors to further appreciate the impact of history.
- Retain prior-learning and explicitly make connections between what they have previously learned and what they are currently learning.